# PHP backend for resumable.js ## Installation To install, use composer: ``` composer require dilab/resumable.php ``` ## How to use **upload.php** ``` tempFolder = 'tmps'; $resumable->uploadFolder = 'uploads'; $resumable->process(); ``` ## More ## ### Setting custom filename(s) ### ``` // custom filename (extension from original file will be magically removed and re-appended) $originalName = $resumable->getOriginalFilename(Resumable::WITHOUT_EXTENSION); // will gove you "original Name" instead of "original Name.png" // do some slugification or whatever you need... $slugifiedname = my_slugify($originalName); // this is up to you, it as ported out of the library. $resumable->setFilename($slugifiedname); // process upload as normal $resumable->process(); // you can also get file information after the upload is complete if (true === $resumable->isUploadComplete()) { // true when the final file has been uploaded and chunks reunited. $extension = $resumable->getExtension(); $filename = $resumable->getFilename(); } ``` ## Testing ``` $ ./vendor/bin/phpunit ```